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Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Property Maintenance

Frequently Asked Questions​

Here at Palm Breeze we understand that what makes sense to some people, doesn't always make sense to others and not everything is always explained in a way each individual understands. So to help with this, we have complied some additional information on the services we offer and the questions we get asked the most about the products we offer.


If you have a question and you can't find the answer below, please get in touch and we shall be happy to help

Heating / Heat Pumps

Are heat pumps efficient?

The air to air heat pumps installed by Palm Breeze are super efficient, with high COP ratings (each brand is different, so there is no set value) and they are approximately 4 times more efficient to operate than an electric plug in heater.

Are heat pumps loud?

The easy answer is NO, heat pumps are not loud.
The air to air heat pump systems we install usually have indoor unit decibel levels going as low as 19db (usually running around 25db as standard) and outdoor unit decibel levels from around 55db.

Do heat pumps require servicing?

YES, heat pumps will require servicing and this is done usually on an annual basis.


Why do properties need ventilation?

Poor ventilation can cause numerous health issues, as well as issues with the building itself. Mould, damp and condensation all thrive in poorly ventilated properties and this can be very detrimental to human health.
Correct ventilation in a property will aid to remove all traces of mould and damp and help to cure condensation.

Do ventilation systems filter and/or clean the air?

Usually YES.
This all depends on the type of ventilation system you have installed in your property, as some are designed to filter the incoming air. However, if you have an extract only ventilation unit, this will not be able to clean any air coming into the property. 

Are ventilation systems expensive to run?

Generally NO.

Most ventilation systems (no matter which type you choose) are low power input devices, which means they use very little power to operate. This is mainly because most are just a type of fan, circulating air within a property.

Are ventilation systems/units loud in operation?

Usually NO, ventilation units are generally very quiet.

The actual decibel level will vary with each device (see manufactures specifications for exact figures) but the noise created from most ventilation systems is usually very low on the decibel scale and become 'background noise' to most users very quickly.

Air Conditioning

Do air conditioning systems provide heating as well as cooling?

YES, modern air conditioning systems are also heat pumps, so they provide cooling in summer and heating in winter, giving year round climate control.

Are air conditioning units noisy?

Every manufacturer has different decibel levels that they class as acceptably low, however most systems (especially the smaller ones used in homes and offices) will operate between 19-30db for internal units and around 55db for the outdoor unit.
These levels are very low and when the systems are operating, they are generally very quiet.

Are air conditioning systems expensive to run?

The quick answer is NO, modern air con systems are very efficient nowadays.
As modern systems user inverter compressors, they rarely operate at full power, allowing lower use of electricity.
When being used in heating mode, the systems are super efficient when compared to plug in electric heaters, using approximately 4x less power, making them roughly 4 times more efficient than plug in heaters.
As an example, a 2.5kW system will use approximately 800 Watts (0.8kW) of power, but provide approximately 3.1kW of heat power (Some manufacturers are more efficient than others, so check the data sheet for each system specifically for exact figures).

Do air conditioning systems require servicing?

YES. Just like most other electrical/mechanical products, air conditioning systems will require servicing, with most requiring 1 service annually (although this can be more frequent depending on how/where the system is used).
Servicing keeps the system operating at its peak efficiency and performance and also maintains the manufacturers warranty period.​

Do air conditioning systems use water?

The quick answer is NO, air conditioning systems do not require a water supply.
There are specific systems available on the market which do use water as a way of cooling the system, however most systems do not need any water connection.

Why is my air conditioning system dripping water outside?

When the system is operating in cooling mode, the indoor (evaporator) unit will generate condensate (water) which needs to be drained away.
When the system is used in heat mode, the outdoor unit (condenser) will generate water.
This is a standard feature of an air conditioning system and not an issue.

Is air con linked with Legionarries Disease or legionella?

Legionaries Disease cam be caused by stagnant and stale water, which is usually the case when water is allowed to stand for long periods of time without being able to drain away.
Air conditioning systems (when installed correctly) shouldn’t have any standing water, as the condensate generated during operation will drain away naturally (or will be pumped away if required).​

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